Soon my family was going to wake up in the rooms around me. My brother was getting married!
I had sadly worked the night before as most of my family was together at the wedding rehersal, but now as I blinked awake, the reunion was all the sweeter. It hadn't worked to swap shifts for last night, but my boss had given me all of Saturday off. Now we'd all be together. A rare sweet thing. And my brother was getting married!!
The verses of Ephesians 5:22-27 stuck in my head that morning. I had read it several times earlier in the week as I gave bits of my time in getting the yard and house ready for incoming guests and looked foward to the wedding day. My sister had shared a story of my nephew who was also looking forward and paying good attention in Sunday School. He had excitedly asked her, "Mommy, how many more sleeps 'til the wedding feast?"
A beautiful picture swirled in my head of just one more "falling asleep" in victorless death until the Eternal Wedding Feast. Grabbing my phone to illuminatingly write in the predawn light, a poem took form.
"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church,
He Himself being the Savior of the body.
But as the church is subject to Christ,
so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,
that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory,
having no spot or wrinkle of any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless."
Ephesians 5:22-27
The Eternal Wedding Feast
The Creator of our great world
Who made Paradise in 7,
Takes 9 months to knit His image
And takes centuries on heaven.
He's prepared a place before us
While we remain with all our foes.
He's coming back to reign victoriously
Coming back to take us home.
Can you imagine all the grandeur?
It's far beyond our human scope--
All that's prepared for those that love Him
Who've made Him their saving hope.
We will kneel inside the presence
Of the Lamb that's overcome;
Solely by His blood we've come there
To the splendor of the One.
A party without us parting.
An eternal wedding feast.
Lions play with lambs like dogs;
No fear 'tween man and beast.
Angelic creatures unimaginable
Fill holy wonder in that place.
The wee sun is uselessly dark
In the Lord's brilliant grace!
Now we live on in this lowland,
Knowing tears and death and pain.
Our joys remind us often
That we groan for restored things.
We long for heavens' clothing,
Hating our sin and mortal way.
Yet the Lord who perfects our missions
Decrees how long we stay;
'Cause if the King tarry ere His conquest
It's since His patience longs to save
Those still drinking from broken cisterns
In sure wrath and fear of grave.
He has sent us to the highways
With a great commission call;
Let us go give the invitation
Until breaks the final dawn.
Sitting in the front rows with my family, watching my brother in his linen white suit watching his wedding party stroll in, my heart swelled with pride and love. This man, with a missionary dream and a heart to give up everything to speak Christ in a land that has never heard, was willing and living to never be married. To be a single "Paul" and missions-minded. Then God began showing him Bible verses, like, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" and others. And then God placed a woman in his life also missions-minded with a heart to whole-heartedly serve Christ. I really admire my brother's courtship and heart for being above reproach and how they both waited for God's leading in their together decisions.
Reading biographies of long-term missionaries and their families, I know it's not an easy life they're entrusting to God, but I'm so proud of them and love them so much. May the Lord bless them greatly on all their adventures for His glory.
"Wedding Dance" (Click Title for YouTube Music Video or here for the story behind the song)
I used to dance with you at weddings
We'd swing and spin across the floor
I felt so graceful in your arms, following your lead,
My joys, they would soar
Now you have a new dance partner
And bride in the work of Christ
My joys, they still fly
Watching you both from the family aisle
Step by step
As Christ loved the church
Hold her tight and spin her round
Let her dress ruffle with glory
Sanctified and white as snow
Give your life like Christ before you
As you dance forever's road
Smiling at you at your wedding
As I see love in your eyes
As we stand as Jessi enters
As we greet Joe's lifelong bride.
Love you, Homie Joe!